We're doing light construction and hope to be done soon.

In the meantime, you can still find and enroll in courses, events, and services using the button below.
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About Our Events

We offer many exciting in-person events every month led by our instructors and partners.

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evidence-based Benefits of Meditation Practice include:

Health Benefits

Lower blood pressure
Aid in pain relief
Manage diabetes
Aid in IBS symptoms
Alzheimer's disease - prevention
Heart disease - prevention
Lower stress
Improve sleep
Boost weight loss
Control fatigue

Psychological benefits

Reduce anxiety
Reduce depression
Improves focus
Aid in concentration
Supports healing trauma
Manage chronic stress

Well being benefits

Life purpose and meaning
Transcendent peak experiences
Equanimity – mental calmness
Compassion and self-acceptance
Cultivation and deepening of personal spirituality
Creates space to receive the answers you seek

Watch our featured videos to learn more about us:


Fantastic people and a great welcoming environment with a staff that lets you be yourself.... Awesome !!!!
Dave M.
Delta Foundation is such a peaceful, welcoming place. The views from their offices are enough to put you into a meditative state. I have been there for a few different types of events and all have been transformative. I highly suggest looking into their offerings if you are looking to expand your consciousness or learn ways to connect with your inner self. The community they are building is really beautiful. I'm so happy to have this resource nearby.
Sarah B.
I highly recommend Delta Foundation for Spiritual Studies for anyone looking to learn how to tap into their own energy and find clarity in their everyday life. The online courses are fabulous, and their in-person space is a beautiful sanctuary.
Laura L.